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This week’s question from my portal MindsetOS™ comes from

This Week’s Question:

Rima S.

Hi Christine,
“I feel like I am always chasing after money and never having enough.
How do I move past this?
To have enough clients who pay top $$$ so that I do not have to worry.”

This Week’s Answer:

Thank You Rima for your question.

The answer to your question is two-fold.

Your concern about having enough “top $$$ clients”

With LOVE, a couple of things….

First, if you are coming from the energy of having to ‘get clients’ you will struggle.

When I first started out, I was excited to start my business, and thought that everybody needed to know what I had to offer, and that I needed to ‘get clients’ to have a business.

After doing everything wrong in the initial stages, and after knee-high in doing the work, you begin to come from an energy of what you can ‘give.’ It’s not about you.

“Your top-dollar clients don’t come to you until they sense that you can “get them” results. It’s a ‘give’ energy, not a ‘get’ energy.

When you begin to come from the energy of giving, and when your clients are getting results, you build a bigger sense of deserving. This means that your energy shows up and attracts clients who sense that you can give them what they are looking for and are willing to pay for it. Make sense?

In answer to your question about always chasing money.

Here is the thing…

We ALL have this internal setting on how much money or success, or even the amount of love we allow into our lives. It is like the thermostat that controls the temperature in your house.

It’s called a cybernetic system… or your financial set-point (based on your programming – established early on).

Let’s say that the thermostat in your house is set at 73 degrees. The thermometer reads the temperature in the room (your environment). If the temperature in the room is higher than the thermostatic setting, the thermostat kicks in and brings the temperature down to its set point.

You may go out and make more money in your business for one month, and then your financial set-point immediately kicks in. It dials you right back down to making the same amount of money year after year.

We can go through this cycle our entire life… without realizing what’s going on.

Your financial set-point is your self-image. It’s how your brain sees you.

It’s why 70% of lotto winners are broke within three to five years. Studies show that they give their money away to family, friends, or charity, or make bad investments and lose all their money.

Your internal financial “governor” is literally controlling your behavior. It’s that powerful… it’s physics.

That being said. You must have the courage to look at the pattern that’s controlling your results.

Ask yourself, “How is this pattern serving me?” Get quiet and listen. Most of my clients say, “it keeps me safe.” Safe from an underlying long-held belief you’ve had about money, or maybe the responsibility of earning money. Something will come up for you if you allow yourself to get quiet and listen.

Make a commitment to sit quietly and ask.

And then…


Get it out of your head and write it down. Then, look at what you’ve written and ask yourself if it’s even true. Your mind will come up with a convincing story. Your job is to refute the story. Do you know what your mind is telling you is the 100% absolute truth?

You will then begin to see that it’s just a story your mind has made up to keep you from taking action.

And then…


No matter what shows up to slow you down or stop you… take an action step. As you keep moving forward you send a signal to the subconscious mind that you’re safe, and the pattern begins to lose its power.

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