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April 2024

Conquering the Fear of Sustained Action

By Q&A No Comments

This week’s question from my portal “MindsetOS™ comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.sustaining action

sustaining actionThis Week’s Question:

“Hello Christine, I’ve attended one of your live workshops, and have followed you for a couple of years now. I feel confident and know that it’s totally possible to create the success I want. I know what I should be doing in my business, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to sustain the action that’s needed it’s holding me back. How do I overcome this?”

This Week’s Answer:

Hey there my friend. I totally get it! It sounds like you’re experiencing what we entrepreneurs refer to as “analysis paralysis”—the fear of sustaining action and committing to your goals.

Firstly, it’s important to recognize that fear is a part of the entrepreneurial journey, and it’s going to be a player on your journey. It’s like an entrepreneur’s “right of passage” toward success.

We don’t like it, it feels uncomfortable. But when we understand what’s happening at the brain base level and have the tools to work with ourselves, we can eliminate the fear and move forward!

Furthermore, we’re the only species capable of dwelling on past failures and regrets and worrying about future events that may never occur.

It certainly is important to get to the root cause of the thinking that’s causing the fear. Is it that you’re thinking in the past or the future?

You may have set some goals in the past, worked really hard, however, they didn’t work out. Or you may have concerns about increased responsibility, and higher expectations of yourself, or that you will have to give up your time freedom for success. As a result, these can all lead to self-sabotage or avoid opportunities for success.

sustaining action

Here’s a powerful exercise to surely help you gain clarity and repattern your thinking around this.

Take a moment and write down everything that comes to mind when you think about taking sustained and committed action on your goals
Then, for each statement, ask yourself: Do I absolutely know, without a doubt, that this is true? Chances are you’ll realize that almost all of your fears are based on assumptions.

Read that again. Most of our fears are based on assumptions.
It’s your brain’s job to make sense of everything and create assumptions.

Then, ask yourself, and then imagine, who would I be without thoughts weighing me down? How would I feel in this case if these thoughts weren’t true? You’d probably feel lighter, freer, and happier.

Moreover, it’s from this place of clarity and expansive energy that you take what we call “inspired action” — small steps that gradually propel you towards your goals.

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Remember Mother Teresa who is quoted as saying “ Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies” – Mother Teresa

This practice isn’t just about positive thinking; it’s about actively managing your thinking and reframing your thoughts in order to serve your highest good. And trust me, when you approach your business from a place of clarity and aligned thinking there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

Additionally, I encourage you to give this exercise a try and see how it shifts your perspective. And remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Reach out anytime if you need support or guidance along the way.

Thank You for your question for all of us,
Here’s to your success!

To Your Success

sustaining action

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:
TuneIn, TurnUp, Transform

Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Join the Group

Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from stuck to generating a consistent multiply 6-figures income. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!

Contact Christine Marie

Subconscious Training

Christine is a leader in subconscious training, board-certified, helping people transform from the Inside Out. I work with brain-based science coupled with transformational psychology along with proven success principles that simply gets results.
Your Invented Life