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April 2024

overcoming doubt

Overcoming Doubt

By Q&A No Comments

This week’s question from my portal “MindsetOS™ comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.overcoming doubt

This Week’s Question:

“Although my business is doing okay… I’ve been facing a lot of uncertainty lately. I can’t shake off these persistent feelings of doubt and overwhelm. How do I overcome these feelings to regain the confidence I need, to keep moving forward?”

This Week’s Answer:

Hey there, my friend. Thank You for your question. It’s a good one.
I know how overwhelming it can feel when doubt starts creeping in on your entrepreneurial journey. But I want you to know that you’re not alone, as it’s part of the human journey.

Understanding Doubt:

Let’s talk about doubt for a moment.
Furthermore, our brain, your brain, is wired to keep things familiar to ensure your safety. As a business owner/entrepreneur, you are most likely doing things you’ve not done before.

Know this… it’s your brain that creates the illusion of fear and uncertainty, as a result, it makes you question your abilities and the decisions you make, to keep you right where you are. Your brain doesn’t like change and creates discomfort to keep you in inaction. overcoming doubt

But here’s the thing: those feelings are just tricks of the mind. They’re not based on reality, and they certainly don’t define your potential for success.

The Power of Self-Inquiry:

Moreover, here’s a process I learned from Bryon Katie called “The Work,” alongside self-inquiry techniques that I’ve utilized and refined over time to repattern self-doubt. You write down your stressful thoughts, and then ask yourself the following four questions:

  •  Is it true?
  • Can you absolutely know it’s true?
  • How do you react—what happens when you believe that thought?
  • Who would you be without the thought? And how would you Feel?

The mere act of writing down your thoughts initiates the process of rewiring your thinking patterns.

Then, instead of allowing your brain to focus on the “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios, keep your attention on who you would be, and how you would feel if you didn’t have that thought. overcoming doubt

Basically, it’s NOT about having all the answers or never experiencing doubt—it’s about you having the understanding and the tools to work with your unique brain, and wire in a successful mindset.

Finally, highly successful people surround themselves in a structure of support, and a supportive community.

Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:

  1. Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!
  2. Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from being stuck to generating a consistent multiple 6-figure income. Hit the reply in drop the word “PRIVATE” in the subject line… and tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!

When you learn how to work WITH your brain the way that IT works, instead of IT working against you, you can regain your confidence and powerfully move forward.

Remember my friend: You have everything you need to succeed within you.

To Your Success

overcoming doubt

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:
TuneIn, TurnUp, Transform

Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Join the Group

Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from stuck to generating a consistent multiply 6-figures income. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!

Contact Christine Marie

Subconscious Training

Christine is a leader in subconscious training, board-certified, helping people transform from the Inside Out. I work with brain-based science coupled with transformational psychology along with proven success principles that simply gets results.
Your Invented Life