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March 2024

Personal Challenges

Personal Challenges Are Inevitable

By Q&A No Comments

This week’s question from my portal MindsetOS™ comes from

This Week’s Question:

“Without getting too specific here, I’ve been facing some tough challenges lately in my personal life that are overflowing into my business, and it’s starting to take a toll on my motivation.

How do I maintain a positive mindset and stay motivated when things get tough? ”

This Week’s Answer:

Thank you for your question. 

This question holds immense value, because personal challenges are an unavoidable aspect of the human experience for all of us.

That EVERY challenge is an opportunity to grow.

Napoleon Hill wrote in his book Think and Grow Richthat “EVERY adversity, failure, and heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

Positive Mindset: Here’s the Mindset Shift:

Firstly, start by acknowledging that we all face challenges and that it’s okay to have a problem. As we grew older, we somehow adopted the belief that we weren’t meant to face challenges. positive mindset


It’s the resistance to thinking that we shouldn’t have any problems that cause us to suffer.

By accepting and remembering that challenges are growth opportunities, we gain valuable lessons and experiences, as a result.


Do this for the entire week and see what happens…

1: Pause yourself if you occasionally notice yourself having a negative self-talk problem.

2. Ask yourself: What possible good can come from this situation? Additionally, “What is this problem here to teach me?

Keep asking, and the answer will come eventually.

Here’s The Brain Science:

The brain actively looks for evidence in order to confirm this perspective. It doesn’t look for what possible good could come from the situation.

Harnessing the Power of Your Brain is Key:

We certainly learn and see solutions to problems. Basically, this is the brain science of how we manage our thinking for success!

Let me know how this is working for you at this point.

Drop me a question or comment and in the meantime, share this if you feel this is a valuable insight and tool for embracing challenges and staying motivated.

To Your Success,

positive mindset

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:
TuneIn, TurnUp, Transform

Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Join the Group

Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from stuck to generating a consistent multiply 6-figures income. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!

Contact Christine Marie

Subconscious Training

Christine is a leader in subconscious training, board-certified, helping people transform from the Inside Out. I work with brain-based science coupled with transformational psychology along with proven success principles that simply gets results.
Your Invented Life