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February 2024

The Principal of Auto-Suggestion

By Q&A No Comments


This weeks question from my portal “MindsetOS™ comes from

Someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

This Week’s Question :

I’ve heard you talk to entrepreneurs about the power of the subconscious mind. How does the subconscious mind relate to getting to the next level in my business?

This Week’s Answer:

Really great question.

Here goes…

Solely working harder, can be a slow and potentially painful way to reach your goals. Yep, I’ve been there!

Most people don’t realize that they are working AGAINST the way the brain is wired to get results.

It’s like pushing your car uphill, you can push it where you want it to go, but after a short time your arms give out, you can’t keep pushing, and the car drifts back down the hill only to end up right where you started.

You might have some wins, but as soon as gravity kicks in, you’re right back at the start.

You can’t outperform the brain’s programming. (Maxwell Maltz says it this way– you can’t outperform your self-image).

What you believe about yourself is what you will ALWAYS get:

It’s hard

I don’t know much

I’m too new in the industry

I’m not smart enough

Not good enough

Your subconscious mind takes direction from the conscious mind.

Think about this for a minute… when you are looking for your keys, and you keep telling yourself, “I can’t find my keys, your looking everywhere, repeating over and over “I can’t

find my keys.” And as soon as you stop saying I can’t find my keys, your keys magically appear, and you say things like “If it were a snake it would have bit me.”

It’s the power of auto-suggestion.

Let’s be smart and work WITH the principle of auto-suggestion by repeating that “things are working out,” and that “things are getting better every day, better and better,” over and over again until we begin to feel differently.

Remember, we get what we expect.

Let me know if you have any questions about this… I’m here to help!

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:
TuneIn, TurnUp, Transform

Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Join the Group

Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from stuck to generating a consistent multiply 6-figures income. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!

Contact Christine Marie

Subconscious Training

Christine is a leader in subconscious training, board-certified, helping people transform from the Inside Out. I work with brain-based science coupled with transformational psychology along with proven success principles that simply gets results.
Your Invented Life