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February 2024

Sales Mindset – Game Changer

By Q&A No Comments

This week’s question from my portal MindsetOS™ comes from

This Week’s Question:

From Anonymous:

I have a question about sales. I will connect with a potential client or send a client email, and then struggle to following up consistently. It takes me days, weeks to reach back out, or I don’t follow up at all. I feel like I don’t want to bother them too much.

How do I move past this?

This Week’s Answer:

The thought that you ‘don’t want to bother someone is based in fear of what they will think of you…

Sales and the behaviors that are required in sales success, changes the neural pathways in our brain, so it makes you feel uncomfortable

We learned early on, from our upbringing, that you shouldn’t bother people. We may also have some other beliefs from early on  about sales, and sales people that are working against you.

The Truth is…

Sales is about helping people… it’s about being IN SERVICE… it’s not about YOU!

The Mind Hack…

Shift your attention from “getting” and place your attention on “giving.”

If you have the belief that you need to “get” from someone, you will actually repel sales and money.

When I learned this, that our work is about giving and not getting, it totally shifted my energy and increased my income.

When you developed the belief that a sales call or an email, or a Facebook live is an opportunity to help someone, you shift your thoughts and feelings to a “giving energy.” It’s from this feeling state that you take way more action, and when we take more action, you see better results.

Remember… You Never Know Who Is Looking for What You Have to Offer!

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:
TuneIn, TurnUp, Transform

Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!

Join the Group

Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from stuck to generating a consistent multiply 6-figures income. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!

Contact Christine Marie

Subconscious Training

Christine is a leader in subconscious training, board-certified, helping people transform from the Inside Out. I work with brain-based science coupled with transformational psychology along with proven success principles that simply gets results.
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